Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is English a suitable language for presenting GurMat?

We need to answer this question before putting in too much efforts in translations of GurMat.

My humble views are that :

1) English would reach out to a far larger number of seekers.

2) GurMat has always been presented in languages, analogies, terms and similes, that were pertinent to a particular culture, daily life and background of seekers in a particular region or era. Many of these words are still only applicable/understood only in that region/era :

e.g. mahdanee ( to whisk milk to butter ), sooatha ( parrot ), takkay ( unit of money ).

So, even though a simple common language was used to deliver the message, some of the words had a symbolic meaning. Therefore, to understand the relevance, as far as GurMat is concerned, a translation was still required to understand the "Nirakari" ( spiritual ) significance.

3) English has been used to deliver some spiritual messages. Here are two examples ( follow the URLs below ). Even in these two example there is still a need for further translation to be able to understand the "Nirakari" ( spiritual ) significance.

My feeling is that English words can be used to explain GurMat. But each symbolic word would need an explanation, or marker, or dictionary, which signifies that there is a spiritual significance behind that word.

Bhool Chuk Muaf.
